New Balance is one of the world’s major multinational sports footwear and apparel manufacturers known for its high-quality athletic shoes and clothing.
Hmm …let’s see here …
We estimate a 46.07 – 50.69% probability of this keyword trending upward within the next 12 months.
(This percentage excludes last-minute shifts or outliers).
I see … 🤔
For which country is this data?
This is 🌎 Global Data.
Over the past 12 months, the term “New Balance“ averaged 11.14M global monthly searches on the biggest search engine.
And as of this year, it’s popular in Europe and Hong Kong.
And how about this month?
Currently sitting @ 12.01M (As the Chart above shows).
I also noticed that those interested in the keyword “New Balance” often show interest in Size, Beige, Zalando, and Asics.