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Twitter: Social Media

Twitter is a popular social media platform known for its real-time microblogging format, allowing users to share and discover short messages, called tweets, with a global audience.



Twitter is a widely used social media platform that revolutionized online communication with its real-time microblogging format. Users can share thoughts, news, opinions, and multimedia content through short messages called tweets, limited to 280 characters. With over millions of active users, Twitter provides a platform for individuals, businesses, organizations, and public figures to connect, engage, and stay updated on a wide range of topics.

Users can follow accounts of interest, engage in conversations, share and retweet content, and use hashtags to discover and participate in trending discussions. Twitter has become a vital source of news, social commentary, and real-time information sharing, fostering conversations and connections on a global scale.

Key Features

  • Real-time microblogging platform for short messages (tweets)
  • Follower-based system to connect with individuals and organizations
  • Multimedia support for sharing photos, videos, and GIFs
  • Retweet and like functionality for content amplification
  • Hashtags for discovering and participating in trending topics
  • Direct messaging for private conversations
  • Verified accounts for public figures and organizations
  • Explore feature for discovering new content and trends
  • Twitter Lists for organizing and following specific accounts
  • API for developers to build applications and integrate with Twitter